We provide a full range of antenatal and postnatal care. Clinics are run by the Community Midwife - please contact reception to make an appointment. Midwife appointments are made when you think you are 8 weeks pregnant.
Audiology Hearing tests are carried out monthly at Newbold Verdon. An appointment can be arranged following a referral from the Doctor.
These clinics are for monitoring patients with diabetes. Our aim is to prevent complications by achieving good control. Self-management is positively encouraged and support is provided. Liaison with other clinical support staff e.g. Retinal screening and Podiatry is facilitated at this clinic. Diabetic patients will receive an appointment for annual eye screening which will come directly from the Health Authority. Cath Jamieson and Emma Nadin run the Diabetic clinics at both sites.
If you have a foot problem the Podiatry, (chiropody), service provides a full range of foot and lower limb care. You may be referred by your Doctor or you may access the service yourself by obtaining an application form from reception.
High blood pressure for a long period increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. This risk can be reduced by controlling blood pressure - we have a programme of assessment including blood tests, urine tests and ECGs. There are several clinics a week for checking of blood pressure. Speak to Reception to arrange an appointment.
We recommend that you have a flu jab (for free) or a flu nasal spray (if aged 2 to 17) if:
We start our clinics seasonally, but this is subject to change. We aim to vaccinate as many of those at risk, as indicated above. You will be informed if you are eligible by either a text or a letter. You will also be informed if you are eligible for a covid booster.
Our Health Care Assistants are available by appointment to test your blood in the surgery; they have the facility to give results and new Warfarin dosage immediately. Unlike other blood tests, INR tests can be done any time during surgery hours. This includes Saturday mornings at Newbold Verdon practice.
All women between the ages of 25 and 49 years are invited to have a cervical smear every three years, and thereafter every 5 years regardless of their sexual history until the age of 64. These smear tests detect any early changes that might lead to cancer later on. On receipt of your invitation from the Health Authority, please make an appointment with the practice nurse.
CHD clinics are run by our trained nurses and lead GPs. You can make your own appointment or your doctor may refer you.
Advice is given about lifestyle and diet. Medication is adjusted where appropriate.
Our aim is to get you actively involved in the management of your disease through greater understanding of heart disease to enable you to lead a healthier life.
Advice is given about good self management, inhaler techniques, drug dosage and home monitoring. Medication is adjusted where appropriate. Our aim is to get you actively involved in the management of your disease through greater understanding of Asthma, or COPD, to enable you to lead a healthier life.
Following a referral by the Doctor, physiotherapy is available at both practices.